Anandayana Comunity
To become a web-registered member of the Anandayana website is totally free.
The process to become a web-registered member, called web sign-up, takes place through an activation link that is sent by email and then a manual activation done by one of our administrators.
Once the web-registered member has been completed the web sign-up process, he/she has access to the Anandayana Forum.
Web sign-up is also the first step for being able to join the Anandayana Community. Unlike other activities, participation in entheogenic rituals is limited to those who are part of the Anandayana Community.
To be part of the Anandayana Community, once one has completed the web sign-up, one has to answer correctly all the questions in the “Anandayana Fellowship Questionnaire”.
At present, the main objective of joining Anandayana Community is to start forming a community that, sooner or later, will be internationally recognized.
Both web-registered members and Anandayana Community members will never receive external announcements, advertisement, nor external links. If that happens, please immediately contact to report such violation.
Due to recent spam attacks, in order to successfully go through web sign-up process, please kindly fill as many fields as possible and write a few words to the email an .